Extension Activity, Indigenous Students, Interculturality, Affirmative Action Policies.Abstract
The need to recognize the diversity of the student comunity and the actions to the acceptance and permanence of indigenous students in Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) culminate with the First Symposium on Interculturality, an extension activity held on May 2015. Thus, this study aims to describe the results of this experience, highlighting the performance of the indigenous and non-indigenous students during the event organization, and to unfold it to the university community. The main results include the dissemination of the theme, the relation between society and universiity, the integration between indigenous and non-indigenous students, the establishment of a Nucleus of Indigenous Studies, and the beginning of the Cycle of Indigenous Actions and Struggles. The event strengthened the current Affirmative Action Policies of UFSCar as an instrument to promote diversity in the university environment.
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