Historical-cultural psychology, Inclusive education, Teacher formation.Abstract
This article aims to report and discuss the results of an extension project about teacher education, focusing on school inclusion. It is based on the contributions of Vygotsky (1997), Saviani (2013, 2018), Leontiev (2005) and Martins (2015) on the subject. This proposal is established from the feeling of uneasiness over the teachers that work with students with cognitive and mental disability and are unprepared to deal with them. It is divided into three parts: (1) the problematization of the teaching practice, highlighting the importance of mediation and cognitive development of students with disabilities; (2) the description of the teacher training experience, which provided opportunity to propose and debate inclusive practises, and (3) the discussion of the results and possible contributions of Vygotsky's studies to the reality of the inclusive school classroom. It is concluded that historical-cultural psychology and historical-critical pedagogy could be a fundamental element to construct strategies for teacher training on inclusion of students with disabilities.
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