Teacher Education, School, University and Community Relationship, Dialogicity.Abstract
The outreach program Teacher education in different space/time contexts (Notice 1098/GR/UFFS/2017) aimed at providing a more intense and constant dialogic interaction between Basic Education public schools, the University and the Community. For this reason, the program involved outreach projects about teacher education from different approaches, as this helps consolidate the partnership that is essentially a leaning and formative activity. The program sought to cover constitutive aspects of teacher education in a space and time that goes beyond the classroom from either schools or the university. Different methodologies such as the production of testimonials, photograph exhibitions, conversation groups, film exhibits and documentaries, as well as several debates about the themes related to what constitutes teachers. All the actions included evaluations in the form of questionnaires, conversations groups and participants´ experience reports. Approximately 330 public school teachers participated in the program.
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