geology, teaching, social inclusion, school, outreach.Abstract
This study aims to present the outreach project Museu Virtual Geológico do Pampa (Virtual Geological Museum of Pampa - Sippee nº 0301315 – Unipampa ) conceived to spread knowledge about geology in schools of Caçapava do Sul – RS – Brazil. It also aims to report the experiences and feelings of the participants that took part in the activities. Through the materialization of structures and geological events, involving not only what happened in the region but also in the planet, it carried out researches and workshops. Therefore, there were informal conversations, practical activities and photographic records. The data indicated that the activities aroused feelings, sensations, interactivity, communication and interest in Geology, implementing the geological culture in the local community as well as demonstrating the importance of the region for geosciences. It was noticed that the learning conducted outside school, in which students are involved with the university environment, is an important tool for education and social inclusion.References
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