
  • Jacks Richard Paulo Universidade Federal de Ouro - UFOP
  • Maria Antonia Tavares de Oliveira Endo Universidade Federal de Ouro - UFOP
  • Marta Bertin Universidade Federal de Ouro - UFOP



cartographic literacy, early years, teaching and learning, geography.


The extension course “Contributions to Cartographic Literacy in the early years of basic education” comprised activities that were carried out inside and outside the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), with teachers working at that level of education in the municipal and state school system of Ouro Preto and Mariana, two cities in the state of Minas Gerais. This project was developed seeking to promote cartographic literacy to a public that does not have this knowledge and that might improve their awareness of the world through Geography classes. The main objective of this proposal, which is part of a university extension project, was to provide teachers and students with new methodological possibilities to teach and learn Geography through cartographic literacy. Three training meetings were held at the Teaching Practice Laboratory “Hebe Rola”/ICHS/UFOP, in 2016. The fourth and last meeting consisted of field work. Data demonstrated that cartographic notions can and should be worked from the early years of basic education, since they make it possible for the students to identify and interpret signs.

Author Biographies

Jacks Richard Paulo, Universidade Federal de Ouro - UFOP

Professor da Universidade Federal de Ouro (UFOP), MG - Brasil. Doutorado em Educação.

Maria Antonia Tavares de Oliveira Endo, Universidade Federal de Ouro - UFOP

Professora da Universidade Federal de Ouro (UFOP), MG - Brasil. Mestrado profissional em Pedagogia Profissional.

Marta Bertin, Universidade Federal de Ouro - UFOP

Professora da Universidade Federal de Ouro (UFOP), MG - Brasil. Doutorado em Geografia.


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