chapeuzinhos coloridos (colorful hats), story telling, reading circles, education, readers.Abstract
The present text reports some reflections and actions carried out in different phases of two extension projects, "Reading circles: a way to train readers" and "Storytelling: a classroom work", under development at the Federal University of Tocantins, in Arraias Campus. Among the actions developed, we present here a work done with the children's literature "Chapeuzinhos Coloridos" (“Colorful Hats”), by José Roberto Torero and Marcus Aurelius Pimenta, in two educational institutions of the municipality of Arraias - TO. The work originated from the unfolding of extension activities in schools in which the enchantment of students and teachers at the moment of sharing the text "in circles", showed the teachers of the school, participants of the project, how and why to tell stories and to organize reading circles in the classroom. The experience reinforced the previous conviction of the importance of initial and continuing training, as well as of the exchange of experiences for the constitution of the teaching identity.
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