Self-perception of Uber drivers in Chile: Between precariousness and pride in good service

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Mônica Alejandra Vargas-Aguirre
Diego Rivera Lisboa


The status and conditions of "gigeconomy" workers has been a topic of debate around the world. In particular, the Uber company has been the focus of a number of disputes regarding the classification of its drivers. This text focuses on the case of Uber drivers from Santiago, Chile in 2019 and how they perceive their employment conditions, as the country has a tradition of precarious and / or informal work and during that period a project of A law aimed at codifying the legal status of drivers was being discussed in Congress. To carry out the research, 7 semi-structured interviews were conducted with drivers, varying in union affiliation, contact with other drivers and activity time. The results showed how, despite ruling out the category of entrepreneur, taking various elements associated with this that appeared due to the construction of employment conditions as risky and / or precarious and Uber as a negligent and / or exploitative company. On the other hand, he interviewees understsnd the relationship with their passamgers as a product of their agency and skills and an identity element that serves to separate them from other platform drivers and / or taxi drivers. In particular, the concept of agency enables these results to be positioned within the general framework of the country and how it is associated with accounts of informal work in Chile.


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How to Cite
VARGAS-AGUIRRE, M. A. .; RIVERA LISBOA, D. Self-perception of Uber drivers in Chile: Between precariousness and pride in good service. Emancipação, Ponta Grossa - PR, Brasil., v. 21, p. 1–27, 2021. DOI: 10.5212/Emancipacao.v.21.2116845.029. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.
Author Biographies

Mônica Alejandra Vargas-Aguirre, Universidad de Valparaíso

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile; Mg en Asentamientos Humanos y Medio Ambiente, Universidad Católica; Mg (c) Ciencia Política UAHC; Trabajadora Social Universidad de Valparaíso; Licenciada en Sociología, Universidad de Chile. e-mail:

Diego Rivera Lisboa, Universidad de Chile

Ms en Digital Society, Universidad de Edimburgo; Licenciatura en Psicología; Universidad de Chile. E-mail:


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