The social vulnerability associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic: a study with citizens who resorted to a social emergency service in Portugal

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Sónia Guadalupe
Filipa João Ribeiro
Mariana S. Machado
Sónia Silva
Mariana Pena


The present study aims to characterize the family, socioeconomic, and social support situation of citizens who used social emergency services during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The participants were 230 individuals that resort to Social Work of a Northern Portuguese institution. The participants were mostly women (77,8%; n = 179), aged between 20 and 85 years old. It was conducted an observational and correlational study, through an inquiry used to assess sociodemographic, socioeconomic, and institutional support variables, as well as Lubben's Brief Social Network Scale and Brief Resilient Coping Scale. The results evidence an aggravation of the socioeconomic situation of the participants with respondents more likely to be unemployed and to seek formal social support after the State of Emergency. Most presented a situation of severe material deprivation (97.4%), associated with a low level of informal support. There was an association between informal social support and resilient coping.


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How to Cite
GUADALUPE, S.; RIBEIRO, F. J.; S. MACHADO, M.; SILVA, S.; PENA, M. The social vulnerability associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic: a study with citizens who resorted to a social emergency service in Portugal. Emancipação, Ponta Grossa - PR, Brasil., v. 21, p. 1–18, 2021. DOI: 10.5212/Emancipacao.v.21.2118173.025. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.
Práticas profissionais no âmbito das políticas sociais na Pandemia do COVID-19
Author Biographies

Sónia Guadalupe, ISMT - Instituto Superior Miguel Torga (Portugal)

Assistant Professor in Instituto Superior Miguel Torga (Coimbra, Portugal). Researcher in CEISUC (Centre for Health Studies and Research of the University of Coimbra, Portugal). PhD in Social Work (2017, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon), PhD in Mental Health (2009, University of Oporto), Master in Family and Social Systems (2000, ISMT), Graduated in Social Work (1995, ISSSC). Social Worker. Coordinator of the Degree Course in Social Work of ISMT. Chief-Editor of Portuguese Journal of Behavioral and Social Research. Social Sciences Researcher; main research interest: families and social support networks for vulnerable populations; social work in the health field.


Filipa João Ribeiro, Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, Delegação de Vila Nova de Gaia

Mestre em Criminologia pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto. Licenciada em Serviço Social pelo Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. Assistente Social na Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa Delegação de Vila Nova de Gaia. E-mail:

Mariana S. Machado, CEJEA - Centro de Estudos Jurídicos, Económicos e Ambientais da Universidade Lusíada

Doutoranda em Criminologia na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto. Licenciada e Mestre em Criminologia pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto. Assistente convidada da Escola de Criminologia da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto. E-mail:

Sónia Silva

Assistente Social Sénior na Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa Delegação de Vila Nova de Gaia. Licenciada em Serviço Social pelo Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto. E-mail:

Mariana Pena

Mestre em Serviço Social pela Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Licenciada em Serviço Social pelo Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. Assistente Social. E-mail:


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