Gender relations and perspectives of professional insertion of female students of Veterinary Medicine at Unifesspa, campus Xinguara - PA, Brazil

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Laila Mayara Drebes
Micaella Bastos Sampaio Rodrigues
Larissa Matias Lopes
Nelma de Sousa Lemos


Veterinary Medicine experiences an increase in the number of female professionals. They tend to be incorporated into areas related to companion animals, to the detriment of other areas of activity. Thus, the study aimed to analyze the perspectives of professional insertion of female students of Veterinary Medicine at Unifesspa, campus of Xinguara/PA, trying to perceive gender inequalities. Data were collected through questionnaires answered by professors and students, of both sexes, from the Unifesspa Veterinary Medicine course. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis and quantitative data submitted to descriptive statistics. Although a large part of the student body does not agree with the sexist assumptions that permeate Veterinary Medicine, a sexual division of labor persists, reinforced by some professors and agricultural producers in the region. The sexual division of labor dissuades the insertion of undergraduates in work related to production animals, considered male attributions.


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How to Cite
DREBES, L. M.; RODRIGUES, M. B. S. .; LOPES, L. M.; LEMOS, N. de S. Gender relations and perspectives of professional insertion of female students of Veterinary Medicine at Unifesspa, campus Xinguara - PA, Brazil. Emancipação, Ponta Grossa - PR, Brasil., v. 23, p. 1–15, 2023. DOI: 10.5212/Emancipacao.v.23.2321575.010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jul. 2024.
Author Biographies

Laila Mayara Drebes, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará - UNIFESSPA

Doutora em Extensão Rural, Professora Permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Dinâmicas Territoriais e Sociedade na Amazônia (PDTSA) e da Faculdade de Educação do Campo (FECAMPO) da Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (UNIFESSPA). E-mail:

Micaella Bastos Sampaio Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará - UNIFESSPA

Graduandas em Medicina Veterinária da UNIFESSPA. Bolsistas PIBIC/PNAES Edital PROPIT 01/2021, PIBIC/FAPESPA Edital PROPIT 03/2021 e PIBIC/PNAES Edital 01/2020, respectivamente.

Larissa Matias Lopes, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará - UNIFESSPA

Graduandas em Medicina Veterinária da UNIFESSPA. Bolsistas PIBIC/PNAES Edital PROPIT 01/2021, PIBIC/FAPESPA Edital PROPIT 03/2021 e PIBIC/PNAES Edital 01/2020, respectivamente.

Nelma de Sousa Lemos, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará - UNIFESSPA

Graduandas em Medicina Veterinária da UNIFESSPA. Bolsistas PIBIC/PNAES Edital PROPIT 01/2021, PIBIC/FAPESPA Edital PROPIT 03/2021 e PIBIC/PNAES Edital 01/2020, respectivamente.


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