Da crise à mediação qualificada: apontamentos a partir da #VazaJato como ciberacontecimento jornalístico


  • Felipe Moura de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




From crisis to qualified mediation: notes from #VazaJato as a journalistic cyberevent

The article reflects on the crisis faced by journalism in the digital environment and discusses the constitution of a second level in its confrontation. Based on the premise of #VazaJato as a typical manifestation of a journalistic cyberevent, it proposes the language as an epistemic place for understanding its affectations on traditional journalistic companies; precisely, in the movements of the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper and Veja magazine, which embrace the investigation launched by The Intercept Brasil based on the journalistic hypothesis that the correct legal process had not been complied with in the Lava Jato operation. After a period of instinctive reaction, which still claimed authority, the suspicion is that there is an ongoing movement to defend a qualified mediation exercised by journalism in the face of the chaotic reality of events in contemporary Brazilian public space.



How to Cite

Moura de Oliveira, F. (2021). Da crise à mediação qualificada: apontamentos a partir da #VazaJato como ciberacontecimento jornalístico. Pauta Geral - Journalism Studies, 8(2), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.5212/19665