About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal Terr@ Plural is edited by the Postgraduate Program in Geography (Master and Doctoral), at the State University of Ponta Grossa, and has the mission of publishing original scientific papers related to the areas of Land Management and Geography that contribute to the development of theoretical and methodological knowledge of these fields of knowledge. The journal is composed of sections articles, essays, scientific notes, interviews, and reviews.  The published contents are of the entire and exclusive responsibility of their authors, and cannot be endorsed by the Editorial Board and the editors of this journal, although the editors reserve the right to copy desk the texts.

Peer Review Process

The Terr@ Plural journal is constituted by an Editorial Board, which approves the journal's policy; by an Editorial Board, which makes editorial decisions, evaluating and guaranteeing the quality of the publication; and by a Scientific Council, which invites collaborators and organizes thematic dossiers, being able to issue opinions and recommendations on subjects related to the journal's editorial line.

Submitted papers are reviewed by two ad hoc reviewers in a double-blind process. If there are divergent opinions, the Editorial Board will forward the work to a third reviewer or decide in an editorial meeting. All editorial steps can be followed by the authors on the journal's website and by automatic e-mails. The final result of the evaluation could be: rejected, accepted with corrections, or accepted. Authors who do not return the corrections within three months will have their submission definitively rejected. Accepted submissions are reviewed (copydesk) in relation to the journal's norms and standardization of language, and sent to the author(s) for their agreement.


The journal Terr@ Plural is an online publication of continuous flow, whose files are housed on the server of the State University of Ponta Grossa and in the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services (Cariniana Network) of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT).

Open Access Policy

This journal belongs to the OJS system of no charges and immediate access, as this allows for greater visibility and reach of published articles and reviews. For more information on this approach, visit the Public Knowledge Project, the project that has developed this system to improve the scholarly and public quality of research by distributing OJS, as well as other software to support the public access publishing system for scholarly sources. The authors are not remunerated for publishing their work but should assign their copyrights to this journal. There are no taxes of any kind for reviewing, layout and publication.


Journal History

The journal Terr@ Plural was created in 2007 as a biannual journal to disseminate the academic production of the Graduate Program in Geography. In 2018 it became a four-monthly journal, and since 2020 it is published in continuous flow exclusively online.