Urban tree relating to urban infrastructure in Almenara, MG, Brazil



Urbanization, afforestation, mobility, urban planning


Afforestation promotes environmental benefits, but a lack of planning can promote urban conflicts. This research evaluated afforestation and diagnosed the possible conflicts between trees and urban infrastructure in eight neighborhoods of Almenara, MG. Conflicts with the power grid, building, and the traffic of people and vehicles were identified. There were 2,038 trees belonging to 61 species, 61% exotic. The most uncomfortable situations for urban mobility were trees positioned on the street bed (56%), sidewalks with a width of less than 1.90 m (74%), and an average height of the first fork below 1.80 m, among others. It was observed that the population needs guidance regarding their participation in the management of the city's trees. Thus, this diagnosis may help support the review of the city's Master Plan and the creation of a future urban afforestation management plan in the municipality.

Author Biographies

Allívia Rouse Carregosa Rabbani, Federal University of Southern Bahia Campus Porto Seguro-UFSB

PhD in Agrarian and Forestry Research from the University of Santiago de Compostela [(USC) Spain] revalidated by the University of Brasília - PhD in Agronomy. Master in Agroecosystems by the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Forest Engineer by UFS. Computer Technician by SENAC (JAVA platform web programming). Has experience in Forestry and Agronomic Resources with emphasis on nature conservation and energy alternatives. It works in the area of ​​population genetics, specifically with molecular markers for biodiversity conservation. Also has experience in the field of seed technology involving physiological quality under conditions of water stress, heat and saline. She is currently Professor of Basic, Technical and Technological Education at IFBA - Porto Seguro Campus.

Maria Otávia Silva Crepaldi, Federal University of São Francisco Valley, Senhor do Bonfim, Bahia

Professor of Landscape Ecology, Geoprocessing, Environmental Education and Environmental Impact Studies at the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco. Bachelor of Biological Sciences from the Federal University of São Carlos (2004), Master in Botany from the National School of Tropical Botany of the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden (2007) and PhD in Environmental Science from the University of São Paulo (2015). I work in the environmental area since 2005, as a servant of the State Institute of Environment and Water Resources of Espírito Santo, as a volunteer of the Atlantic Forest Research Institute in the Muriqui-ES Project and as a consultant in several projects in partnership with TNC, CI- Brazil, IBIO, FUNBIO and the Bahia Environment Secretariat. I have experience with ethnobotanical and phytosociological surveys, recovery of degraded areas, environmental adaptation of rural properties, planning and implementation of ecological corridors, creation, management and implementation of conservation units, environmental planning applied to biodiversity conservation, especially within the Central Corridor. of the Atlantic Forest. I am a leader of the CNPq RECONECTA research group - Ecological Restoration, Conservation and Connectivity, vice leader of the CNPq GEMA research group - Geography, Space Ecology and Environmental Modeling, founding partner and vice president of the Brazilian Society of Ecological Restoration - ABOUT and currently a member. from the World Commission on Protected Areas of the International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN WCPA.



How to Cite

PEREIRA DE SOUSA, M.; CARREGOSA RABBANI, A. R.; SILVA CREPALDI, M. O. .; SILVA, . A. B. F. da . Urban tree relating to urban infrastructure in Almenara, MG, Brazil. Terr@ Plural, [S. l.], v. 14, p. 1–21, 2020. Disponível em: https://revistas.uepg.br/index.php/tp/article/view/14732. Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.