(Civil society in Hegel and Marx) Doi: 10.5212/Emancipacao.v.12i2.0006

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Valdenésio Aduci Mendes


Civil society, a not too recurrent theme in the tradition of modern political thinking, begins to gain a philosophical status with Hegel and Marx’s reflections. The civil society theme appears, both in their philosophical and political reflections, as a theme associated with reflections about the modern State. Both authors aim at understanding, at the beginning of modern age, the contradiction between State and civil society, or between universal and individual, man and citizen, bourgeois and citoyen, political and social. On the one hand, Hegel sees the State as an “ethical” being overcoming the world’s contradictions on the needs of the civil society. Marx, on the other hand, when analyzing the Hegelian conception of State, criticizes him and tries to “unconsecrate” this conception; hence Marx’s argument that both civil society and State should vanish, so that men can reconcile with themselves. However, the solutions presented by both thinkers for the contradiction pointed out between State and civil society are prone to criticism, since Hegel points towards totalitarianism and Marx towards a kind of messianism.



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How to Cite
MENDES, V. A. (Civil society in Hegel and Marx) Doi: 10.5212/Emancipacao.v.12i2.0006. Emancipação, Ponta Grossa - PR, Brasil., v. 12, n. 2, p. 235–252, 2013. DOI: 10.5212/Emancipacao.v.12i2.0006. Disponível em: https://revistas.uepg.br/index.php/emancipacao/article/view/1939. Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.
Author Biography

Valdenésio Aduci Mendes, UFSC

Departamento de Sociologia, pós-graduação em Sociologia Política


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