Between Policy and Practice: A Case Study on the Perceptions of Professionals and Service Users Regarding Policies for Homeless People in Portugal
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In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people experiencing homelessness in Portugal. This study aims to analyze the perceptions of Social Work professionals and service users regarding the social policies intended for this population, through a case study in an organization in Porto. A qualitative methodology was employed, including semi-structured interviews with three professionals from the multidisciplinary team and five homeless service users of the organization. The results show that, although national and local policies are aligned with intervention guidelines, there are gaps in their practical implementation. The professionals highlight the importance of networking and the need for adequate resources, especially in the areas of housing and mental health. The service users acknowledge the support of organizations but point out difficulties in their social reintegration. It is concluded that it is essential to strengthen the articulation between policies and practices, investing in strategies that balance prevention, intervention, and community integration. The implications of this study suggest that social workers play a crucial role in mediating between policies and the real needs of people experiencing homelessness, contributing to guaranteeing their social rights.
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