Tourism and mountain landscape: reflections on the potentiality and visual identity of the Serras do Agreste Potiguar destination, RN, Brazil
Geotourism, Landscape and Region, Mountain Tourism, Brand ManagementAbstract
This article presents a diagnosis of the opportunities for the development of geotourism in the Sierras do Agreste Potiguar, raised through the evaluation of natural, historical and cultural attractions, as well as equipment and services. Tourist planning needs to highlight the creative processes with a focus on brand management, a parameter for promotion, management, and dissemination of the localities. Therefore, the results allowed us to understand, in general, the categorical importance of the execution of policies for the expansion of the sector, with a priority focus on the effectiveness of geomarketing for decision making within new instruments, regionalization programs, and strengthening of the industry. In view of this scenario, one can highlight that the landscape peculiarities present in the territory were determinant for the identification of the potential, an important strategy of marketing and the administrative impact that ideally considers the specific differential existing in the region, the current point of tourist prosperity in Rio Grande do Norte.
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