An introduction to Stephen J. Ball’s ideas and contributions on the theme of education policy implementation


  • Sanny Silva da Rosa Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS



Abstract: This paper is addressed to research beginners in the field of educational policies and aims to present and discuss some ideas and contributions of the English sociologist and researcher Stephen J. Ball on the subject of public policy implementation. It is divided into three complementary parts: the first one addresses the author’s main themes of interest throughout his trajectory of studies and research through a synopsis of his main works; the second discusses Ball's contributions to the theme of policy implementation from the concept of policy enactment. Taking as reference his major intellectual influencers, the third and last part explores Stephen Ball's theoretic and methodological "toolbox" and the implications of his epistemological positioning for the education policy implementation research work.


Keywords: Stephen J. Ball. Policy Implementation. Policy enactment.


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Author Biography

Sanny Silva da Rosa, Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS

Pedagoga, mestre e doutora em Educação (Currículo) pela PUC-SP. Atualmente é professora e pesquisadora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (Mestrado Profissional), na linha de Políticas e Gestão e Educacional. Foi pesquisadora visitante do Institute of Education - University of London (2010/11) no departamento de Sociologia de Educação, com supervisão de Stephen J. Ball  em seus estudos de pós-doutoramento. Líder do grupo de pesquisa Gestão Democrática e Qualidade Social da Educação Básica 


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How to Cite

ROSA, S. S. da. An introduction to Stephen J. Ball’s ideas and contributions on the theme of education policy implementation. Revista de Estudios Teóricos y Epistemológicos en Política Educativa, [S. l.], v. 4, p. 1–17, 2019. DOI: 10.5212/retepe.v.4.004. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



Dossiê: Implementação de Políticas Educacionais: debates teóricos e problematizações