Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, doc. out docx., and any form of identification was removed.
  • Where available, DOI and URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text strictly follows the available template;
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • ALL authors are registered in the OP journal with a complete profile (request individual registration of each author, validate ORCID)

Guidelines for Authors

a)Will be accepted for submission: articles, reviews, interviews, lecture texts, translations and reports of experiences never before seen in Brazil .

b) Submissions must contribute to the specific field of investigation, and must present a consistent theoretical framework, clear and explicit arguments, and language correction. Thus, they need to show sufficient potential and consistency to serve as a reference for studies in the area.

c) About the length of submitted texts: 

Articles - 20 to 25 pages

Experience reports - 18 to 20 pages

interviews and lecture text - 18 to 20 pages

Reviews - 4 to 7 pages

Translations - 20 to 25 pages

Thesis abstracts - 1 page


  • The publication of reviews is restricted to books published in the last 5 years,
  • The publication of thesis abstracts is limited to the research carried out in the last 4 years.

d) All jobs must have 1.5 line spacing; lower and upper margins of 2.0 cm and right and left margins of 2.5 cm; in A4 format sheet; preferably with Times New Roman or Arial font.

e) The texts can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish and, in these cases, the texts must necessarily present the abstract in Portuguese. 

f) Articles must have a title that clearly corresponds to the general idea of ​​the work.

g) The abstract should present a maximum of 10 lines (150 words), containing information about the objectives, methodological procedures, theoretical references, and results. The abstract must present 3 (three) keywords.

h)The texts sent to the OP must contain keywords referring to their content, chosen in controlled vocabulary: Thesaurus Brasileiro de Educação – evaluatable at http://pergamum.inep.gov.br/pergamumweb/biblioteca/pesquisa_thesauro.php

i)The title, abstract, and keywords must be sent in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Follow the standard NBR 6028/03 of ABNT. The text must be configured following the template available for download (article / experience report; template review)

j) The journal accepts texts containing a maximum of 3 authors, one of whom must possess the title of doctor.

k) In the case of articles elaborated from dissertations and theses, it is necessary to indicate the name and title of the professor.

l)In case of difficulties with the submission, we provide an OJS system guide that can assist the authors (OJS Guide).

m) If the research has financial support from an institution, it must be mentioned.

n) We ask the authors to, when submitting the work, complete the complete registration (metadata). In case of difficulties with the submission, we provide an OJS system guide that can help (OJS System Guide).

o)Papers must be submitted without identification of authorship, via an online submission system. The authors are requested to complete the complete registration (metadata) when submitting the article or review.

p)The insertion of the ORCID registration number is mandatory, as it facilitates the validation of the DOI in case of approval of the article. We emphasize that the registration must appear as a public and active profile. For more information see  https://youtu.be/9htYgoypVKw (video produced by Simone Semensatto - UERGS).

q)The formal structure of the works must follow the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) (NBR 6022/2018 for articles; NBR 6023/2018 for references; NBR 101520/2012 for citations, opting for the author-date system).

r) We recommend inserting a reference to international research and publications.

Interstice: Each author or co-author can only have one article undergoing an internal evaluation process, between the beginning of submission and the period of the final publication. Likewise, each author or co-author may only publish one article in the journal, respecting the gap of at least two years between the two publications. Here, we will respect the two-year interval between the publication of a submitted article and the beginning of a new submission process performed by the author, whether he is indicated as the main author or as co-author.

Copyright Statement
Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:
a) The authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right to first publication, with their work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License that allows the sharing of the work with recognition of its authorship and initial publication in this journal.
b) Authors are authorized to sign additional contracts, separately, for the non-exclusive distribution of the version published in this journal (for example, in institutional repositories or book chapters), with acknowledgment of their authorship and initial publication in this journal).
c) Authors are encouraged to publish and distribute the online version of the article (for example, in institutional repositories or on their personal page), considering that this can generate productive changes, as well as increase the impact and citations of the published article.
d) This journal provides public access to all of its content, as this allows greater visibility and reach of published articles and reviews. For more information on this approach, visit Public Knowledge Project, a project that developed this system to improve the academic and public quality of research, distributing OJS as well as other software to support the public access publishing system to academic sources.
e) The names and e-mail addresses on this website will be used exclusively for the purposes of the magazine, and will not be available for other purposes.


Authors who publish in this journal agree with the following terms:

a) Authors keep the copyrights and concede the right of its first publication to the magazine. The work piece must be simultaneously licensed on the Creative Commons Attribution License which allows the paper sharing, and preserves both the author identity and the right of first publication to this magazine.

b) Authors are authorized to assume additional contracts separately, to not-exclusively distribution of the paper version published in this magazine (e.g.: publish in institutional repository or as a book chapter), with the author identity recognition and its first publication in this magazine.

c) Authors are permitted and stimulated to publish and distribute their papers online (e.g.: in institutional repository or on their personal webpage), considering it can generate productive alterations, as well as increase the impact and the quotations of the published paper.

d) This journal provides public access to all its content, as this allows a greater visibility and reach of published articles and reviews. For more information on this approach, visit the Public Knowledge Project, a project that developed this system to improve the academic and public quality of the research, distributing OJS as well as other software to support the publication system of public access to academic sources.

e) The names and e-mail addresses on this site will be used exclusively for the purposes of the journal and are not available for other purposes.