Ethical issues

Olhar de Professor is committed to complying with ethical issues related to published articles and the evaluation and publication process. Ethical decisions and procedures are based on the following documents:

- CNS Resolution No. 466/2012 (Ethics in Research with Humans);

- CNS Resolution No. 510/2016 (Ethics in Research in Human and Social Sciences);

- APA Manual (Editora Penso, 2012);

- CNPq document - Ethics and integrity in scientific practice (

- Document Ethics and Research in Education - v. 1 (Anped).



Regarding the articles

- If the article has been submitted to the Ethics Committee (CEP / CONEP system or another system), we ask the authors to mention it in the body of the article (for example, in a footnote).

- The editors, in the preliminary analysis, seek to identify the ethical precautions used in the research and ask the evaluators to also do so.

- If the research project that originated the article has not been submitted to the Ethics Committee, it is recommended that the authors include, in the article, a section on research ethics (self-declaration of ethical principles and procedures, according to Mainardes and Carvalho, 2019, available at:

- Research carried out with groups considered to be in a situation of vulnerability needs special attention in relation to ethical care, both in the production of data, interaction with the subjects and analysis, and dissemination of results. Among groups considered to be potentially vulnerable, we highlight children, people with disabilities / special needs, the elderly, families in a situation of social vulnerability or psychosocial risk, people in long-term care facilities, among others.

- At the end of the evaluation process, together with the final version of the text, authors must submit the Declaration of ethical commitment.


Regarding the authorship

The journal recommends that authors and co-authors openly discuss the order of authorship and the co-authors to be included in the article. Authors should keep in mind items 17 and 20 of the CNPq document (Ethics and integrity in practice): 17 - Only the people who lent involved in the work deserve authorship in a manuscript; 20 - Authors should be able to describe, when requested, their personal contribution to the work.


Plagiarism and self-plagiarism

The journal's editorial staff can use a plagiarism control program system, before sending articles to the reviewers.

Before submitting the article, the authors must make sure that all the ideas of other authors are properly cited and included in the reference list.

Regarding self-plagiarism, we indicate that the article must constitute an original contribution, and citations of the author's previous works should be cited when necessary to understand the original article regarding the theory or methodology (according to the APA Manual).

Regulation - Revista Olhar de Professor

Available in: regulamento2021