Cultural identity, literacy and language teaching in Mozambique: (mis)matches between nationality and ethnicity

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Prof. Dr. Enísio Guilhermina Cuamba
Prof. Dr. Maurício Bernardo Cigarros


The discursive and pedagogical practices of literacy are linked to the autonomous model that conceives language as neutral, discrediting the individual demands. In this paper, from the perspective of the New Literacy Studies, it is elected, as an objective, to analyze how the national and ethnic identity is constituted in the pedagogical practices of teachers. The theoretical framework followed the approaches of Dias (2008), Hall (2000), Patel (2012) and Street (2014), among others. The agency materiality is made up of statements given by teachers analyzed in the light of that perspective, through a qualitative approach. The results suggest that the constitution of national identity relates to the domain of the Portuguese language and the ethnicity with the Bantu languages.


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How to Cite
CUAMBA, E. G. .; CIGARROS, M. B. Cultural identity, literacy and language teaching in Mozambique: (mis)matches between nationality and ethnicity. Olhar de Professor, [S. l.], v. 26, p. 1–17, 2023. DOI: 10.5212/OlharProfr.v.26.20321.009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.
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Author Biographies

Prof. Dr. Enísio Guilhermina Cuamba, Universidade Licungo

Enísio Guilhermina Cuamba holds a PhD in Letters - Linguistic Studies from the State University of Maringá - PR, Brazil. He holds a Master's degree in Portuguese Education/Teaching from the Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo - Mozambique. He holds Honour’s degree and as well as Bachelor's degree in Letters (Teaching Portuguese) from the Universidade Pedagógica, Nampula branch - Mozambique. He is a Lecturer at Universidade Licungo – Mozambique, a researcher at the Center for Research in Education and Humanity and a member of GEDUEM/CNPq (

Prof. Dr. Maurício Bernardo Cigarros, Universidade Licungo

Maurício Bernardo Cigarros is doctorate in Letters - Linguistic Studies. State University of Maringá - PR, Brazil. He was a CAPES scholarship holder. He holds a Master's degree in Journalism and Editorial Studies from Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo - Mozambique. He holds Honour’s degree as well as a Bachelor's degree in Letters (Teaching Portuguese) from Universidade Pedagógica – Quelimane branch - Mozambique. He is a Lecturer at Universidade Licungo - Mozambique. He is a student in the research group Studies on the acquisition of writing, at UEM, PR - Brazil/CNPq.


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