Sociopolitical function of education and the role of pedagogues in non-school education: political-pedagogical areas of action and theoretical-professional fields

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Dr. Jonas Emanuel Pinto Magalhães


The present essay explores the different roles and forms taken on by education in the latest centuries, with emphasis on its school and non-school conformation and the existence of different educational practices which permeate the set of organizations and private apparatuses of hegemony. In this scenario, the role of educationists in these spaces of non-school education is defended, given the necessity to imprint a proper pedagogical approach to the practices developed in these locations. In order to contribute to the building of such curricular and methodological devices aimed at the training and qualification of educationists and the investigation of their practices in non-school contexts, a theoretical-investigative matrix composed of political-pedagogical areas of action and theoretical-pedagogical fields is proposed. This mold blends and organizes the theoretical-normative, the ethical-political and the didactic-pedagogical foundations specific to the proposed scopes and fields.



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How to Cite
PINTO MAGALHÃES, J. E. P. . Sociopolitical function of education and the role of pedagogues in non-school education: political-pedagogical areas of action and theoretical-professional fields. Olhar de Professor, [S. l.], v. 26, p. 1–23, 2023. DOI: 10.5212/OlharProfr.v.26.21101.039. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.
Dossiê: O campo teórico da Pedagogia e seus desdobramentos na formação de pedagogos/as
Author Biography

Dr. Jonas Emanuel Pinto Magalhães, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF

Graduated in Pedagogy from the State University of Rio de Janeiro and Master in Public Policy and Human Education. He is currently a doctoral candidate in Policies and Human Training (PPFH/UERJ), where he develops research on the political, epistemological and pedagogical foundations of socio-emotional skills. of Youth and Adults, Secondary Education (pedagogical disciplines) and Post-Graduation (semi-attendance courses), as a pedagogue and as a researcher in the areas of Epistemology, Teacher Training, Work and Education and Public Education Policies. He works as a pedagogue at the School of Social Service of the Fluminense Federal University and as a teacher in the training course for teachers at the secondary level of the State Education Network of Rio de Janeiro, teaching the discipline "Didactic and Pedagogical Knowledge of Early Childhood Education". extension project "Pedagogues and pedagogy: science, pedagogical knowledge and spaces for professional performance? developed at UERJ, through the Development Program "Theotônio dos Santos" and the study group "Work, Praxis and Teacher Training". research group THESE - Integrated projects in Work, History, Education and Health (UFF-UERJ-EPSJV-Fiocruz) and one of the coordinators of the research group Work, Praxis and Teacher Training.


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