Professional identity of Elementary School first grade teachers: narratives of trajectories

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Augustto de Paula Guimarães
Dr.ª Adair Mendes Nacarato


In this text, the focus was on the professional identity of pedagogue-teachers working in the first grades of Elementary School. The aim was to answer the following question: What do teachers narrate about their professional trajectory and the constitution of their pedagogical ideology? It was sought to investigate the aspects that interfere in the constitution of the pedagogue-teacher's identity, considering the narratives produced by five teachers. The empirical material consisted of interviews, in the narrative modality, with five pedagogue-teachers. The analysis, from a comprehensive-interpretative perspective, points out signs of the marks of the experiences lived as students in their way of conceiving teaching and student learning; unveils the influence of the affective relationships experienced in the choice of teaching; reveals the challenges of the early days of teaching and the ways of overcoming them, narrated by the teachers; shows how much this contributes to identity constitution. The teachers perceive themselves as being in a continuing process of education, assuming themselves to be unfinished subjects.


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How to Cite
GUIMARÃES, A. de P.; NACARATO, A. M. . Professional identity of Elementary School first grade teachers: narratives of trajectories. Olhar de Professor, [S. l.], v. 27, p. 1–21, 2024. DOI: 10.5212/OlharProfr.v.27.22225.011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.
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Author Biographies

Augustto de Paula Guimarães, Universidade São Francisco

Professor da rede pública municipal de Itatiba. Bolsista de Iniciação Científica PIBIC/CNPq da Universidade São Francisco

Dr.ª Adair Mendes Nacarato, Universidade São Francisco

Licenciada em Matemática pela PUC Campinas; mestre e doutora em Educação pela FE/Unicamp; professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Educação da Universidade São Francisco e do curso de Pedagogia.


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