Neoliberalism, (bio)medicalization and education: a reflection based on articles from dossiers published between 2014 and 2020
Main Article Content
This work sought to carry out a bibliographical review on the concepts of neoliberalism, biopolitics and (bio)medicalization in their relationship with Education. Furthermore, articles were analyzed from dossiers addressing (bio)medicalization in Education. Works related to these themes and their links with neoliberalism were selected. We opted for qualitative analysis of the texts, based on Foucauldian discourse analysis and the creation of analytical categories. The aim was to understand how the articles gathered and employed concepts and theoretical tools to discuss the topic of (bio)medicalization, creating two categories based on their reading. We observed that two of the three selected articles presented more comprehensive analyses on the concepts of (bio)medicalization and neoliberalism, in addition to the understanding that the former is about the use of medicines by students, while the latter addresses the motivation for productivity and income.
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