Experience report: augmented reality as a tool for dialogic creative writing in the classroom
Main Article Content
This article aims to present the active methodology combined with augmented reality technology in the approach to creative writing in the classroom. The research is qualitative, with an interpretive and critical view of the analyzed works. The use of active methodology combined with augmented reality was organized respecting the educational context and the needs of 35 5th-grade students. One of the objectives was to encourage active participation of students in the learning process, as the active method was used as a tool to engage students, allowing them to explore, interact, and create content. Authors such as Assunção (2020) and Moran (2015) emphasize that active methodologies prioritize student involvement in knowledge construction, in contrast to traditional teaching methods where the teacher plays a central role. The results indicate that through augmented reality, it is possible to stimulate critical and creative thinking, offering opportunities for students to develop reflective and creative thinking skills.
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