a) will be accepted for submission: articles, reviews, interviews, lecture texts, translations and reports of experiences never before seen in Brazil .

b) Submissions must contribute to the specific field of investigation, and must present a consistent theoretical framework, clear and explicit arguments, and language correction. Thus, they need to show sufficient potential and consistency to serve as a reference for studies in the area.

c) About the length of submitted texts: 

Articles - 20 to 25 pages

Experience reports - 18 to 20 pages

interviews and lecture text - 18 to 20 pages

Reviews - 4 to 7 pages

Translations - 20 a 25 páginas

Thesis abstracts - 1 page


The publication of reviews is restricted to books published in the last 5 years, spacing between lines (1.5).

d) All jobs must have 1.5 line spacing; lower and upper margins of 2.0 cm and right and left margins of 2.5 cm; in A4 format sheet; preferably with Times New Roman or Arial font.

e) The texts can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish and, in these cases, the texts must necessarily present the abstract in Portuguese. 

f) Articles must have a title that clearly corresponds to the general idea of ​​the work.

g) The abstract should present a maximum of 10 lines (150 words), containing information about the objectives, methodological procedures, theoretical references, and results. The abstract must present 3 (three) keywords.

The texts sent to the OP must contain keywords referring to their content, chosen in controlled vocabulary: Thesaurus Brasileiro de Educação – evaluatable at


The title, abstract, and keywords must be sent in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Follow the standard NBR 6028/03 of ABNT. The text must be configured following the template available for download (article / experience report; template review)

g) The journal accepts texts containing a maximum of 3 authors, one of whom must possess the title of doctor.

h) In the case of articles elaborated from dissertations and theses, it is necessary to indicate the name and title of the professor.

i)In case of difficulties with the submission, we provide an OJS system guide that can assist the authors (OJS Guide).

j) If the research has financial support from an institution, it must be mentioned.

k) We ask the authors to, when submitting the work, complete the complete registration (metadata). In case of difficulties with the submission, we provide an OJS system guide that can help (OJS System Guide).

l)Papers must be submitted without identification of authorship, via an online submission system. The authors are requested to complete the complete registration (metadata) when submitting the article or review.

m)The insertion of the ORCID registration number is mandatory, as it facilitates the validation of the DOI in case of approval of the article. We emphasize that the registration must appear as a public and active profile. For more information see (video produced by Simone Semensatto - UERGS).

n)The formal structure of the works must follow the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) (NBR 6022/2018 for articles; NBR 6023/2018 for references; NBR 101520/2012 for citations, opting for the author-date system).

o) We recommend inserting a reference to international research and publications.

Interstice: Each author or co-author can only have one article undergoing an internal evaluation process, between the beginning of submission and the period of the final publication. Likewise, each author or co-author may only publish one article in the journal, respecting the gap of at least two years between the two publications. Here, we will respect the two-year interval between the publication of a submitted article and the beginning of a new submission process performed by the author, whether he is indicated as the main author or as co-author.

Complete completion of metadata and registration in the journal

We ask the authors and co-authors to be careful when filling out their registration form, as well as inserting all data when submitting the text.

Translations and adaptations generate the publication's metadata, making the text more reliable and improving the likelihood of registration in search engines (Google and others).

About metadata, we used the explanation of Carla Oliveira (UFMG):

Advantages of metadata consistency in scientific articles are: guaranteeing the principle of scientific credibility, efficiency in the information retrieval process, preservation of standardized and reliable data. The article by GulKa and Silveira (2020) is recommended by the Portal de Periódicos UFMG for editors interested in more information about this process.


Tutorial: Filling in registration and metadata