Inclusion of deaf students in the physics classroom: constributions from the conceptions of practicing teachers in Southern Colombia
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This article presents the results of a scholarship - internship in the Young Researchers and Innovators program of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation. This research investigated the conceptions of natural science teachers in the department of Huila, regarding the teaching and learning of physics with deaf students. Therefore, a mixed approach was used, establishing a category system to recognize the teachers' conceptions under the content analysis technique, and statistical correlations with sociodemographic variables were established. The data was collected through a questionnaire developed in Google Forms. Thus, the teachers' conceptions are reductionist in nature since they are limited to scientific content without thinking about issues such as curricular flexibility when there are deaf students in the classrooms. Therefore, evidence is presented from the Nature of Inclusion, Sign Language, and Inclusion Strategies categories.
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