Geometry topics in elementary school: a look at textbook collections guided by the National Curricular Common Base
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This study sought to analyze how the learning objectives related to the Geometry Thematic Unit, proposed in the document National Curricular Common Base (NCCB), for Primary Education, are arranged in the Textbook collections approved by the Plano Nacional do Livro Didático (National Textbook Plan). For the analysis, the collections "Ápis" and " The Conquest of Mathematics", adopted in the municipal teaching network of Maringá, Paraná, and in the state teaching network of the same state, were selected. A qualitative and documental approach was used in the analyses, using Content Analysis. The results show that the learning objectives proposed by the NCCB in relation to Plane and Space Geometry are explored with greater emphasis in the early years collection compared to the final years collection, when establishing the objects of knowledge for elementary school. This study brings an alert regarding the treatment of Geometry topics listed by the NCCB, as to the skills and abilities and the Learning Objectives, insofar as we highlight a discrepancy in relation to the approach and exploration of the relationships between spatial and plane figures, proposed by the document in the collections analyzed here.
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