Desafios para o ensino da Administração e da Ciência Contábil no contexto do Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE): superando as barreiras e avançando no aprendizado

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Me. Josué de Lima Carvalho
Me. Ludimilla Dayara Peleja Azevedo
Dra. Tania Suely Azevedo Brasileiro


Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar e explicitar os principais desafios enfrentados pelos professores dos cursos de Administração e Ciências Contábeis nas instituições de ensino na região metropolitana de Belém, durante a implementação e manutenção do ensino remoto emergencial (ERE) em meio à pandemia. Entre os resultados das entrevistas, os docentes relataram um maior tempo gasto na preparação das aulas, nem sempre recebendo uma contrapartida satisfatória. Também reconheceram que há uma certa perda na aprendizagem dos alunos, influenciada pelo contexto socioeconômico dos estudantes, o que se alinha com a literatura existente. Ao serem questionados sobre as disciplinas que apresentam mais dificuldades no modelo de ensino remoto emergencial (ERE), destacaram as disciplinas práticas e aquelas relacionadas ao cálculo. Sugere-se a realização de estudos adicionais para compreender as limitações, desafios e possibilidades do modelo de ensino híbrido, que visa substituir o ensino remoto, a fim de responder às lacunas ainda em aberto.


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How to Cite
CARVALHO, J. de L. .; AZEVEDO, L. D. P.; BRASILEIRO, T. S. A. Desafios para o ensino da Administração e da Ciência Contábil no contexto do Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE): superando as barreiras e avançando no aprendizado. Olhar de Professor, [S. l.], v. 26, p. 1–26, 2023. DOI: 10.5212/OlharProfr.v.26.21966.074. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.
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Author Biographies

Me. Josué de Lima Carvalho, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia - UFRA

Master's degree in Society, Environment, and Quality of Life (PPGSAQ/UFOPA), Master's degree in Accounting (PPGC/UFSC), and currently a doctoral student in Sustainable Development in the Humid Tropics (PPGDSTU/UFPA), with a bachelor's degree in Accounting. Teacher at Unama, substitute professor at UFRA.

Me. Ludimilla Dayara Peleja Azevedo, Universidad Federal del Oeste de Pará - UFOPA

She has a Bachelor's degree in Nursing from Faculdades Integradas do Tapajós (2006), a Bachelor's degree in Law from the Federal University of Western Pará (2014), and a Specialization in Public Sector Administration (2019) from Faculdade Futura. She holds a Master's degree in Society, Environment, and Quality of Life (PPGSAQ/UFOPA). She worked as a nurse in the Family Health Program and coordinated the Community Health Agents Program for the Municipal Government of Altamira. She was a professor at the Professional Nursing Center (CEPROEN - Altamira). She worked as a teacher and internship instructor in modules such as collective health, women's health, nursing pharmacology, and applied nursing methodology in the Professionalization Project for Nursing Workers - PROFAE (2008; 2009). She was a nurse in the Family Health Program and a shift nurse at the 24-hour Health Center in Santarenzinho for the Municipal Government of Santarém. She is currently an administrative technician at the Federal University of Western Pará.

Dra. Tania Suely Azevedo Brasileiro, Universidad Federal del Oeste de Pará - UFOPA

Post-doctorate in Psychology from the Institute of Psychology at the University of São Paulo (USP, 2008/2009), with Post-doctoral Internship at the Vygotsky Chair of the Faculty of Psychology at the University of La Havana - Cuba (2009). PhD in Education - Universidad Rovira i Virgili/Spain (2002) - revalidated at the Faculty of Education at USP, Master's degree in Human Movement Pedagogy from Gama Filho University (1992) and Master's degree in Educational Technology - Universidad Rovira i Virgili (2001). Specialization in Sports Medicine and Sports Biotechnology - Federal University of Juiz de Fora (1980), Specialization in Higher Education Didactics since 1985 - Gama Filho University/RJ, Specialization in Health Services Administration - UNAERP/SP (1994). Graduated in Psychology from the Federal University of Rondônia (1997), Licensed in Psychology from the Federal University of Rondônia (1996), Graduated in Physical Education, Recreation, and Games from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora/MG (1978), Graduated in Pedagogy - Faculdades Integradas de Ariquemes (2004). She was a professor at the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR) for approximately 20 years, working as a researcher, leader of the PRAXIS research group, certified by CNPq since 2004, Coordinator of LABMIDIA - Didactic Pedagogical Multimedia Laboratory, approved project since 1997. She implemented the Graduate Program in Education - Academic Master's in Education at the Federal University of Rondônia in 2009, serving as Coordinator until 2012, when she was redistributed at the invitation of the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA). She is currently a Full Professor at UFOPA, assigned to the Institute of Education Sciences, and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Education - Academic Master's in Education since its implementation in 2013 until October 2015, remaining as a permanent faculty member of said program. She is also a permanent faculty member of the doctoral program Society, Nature, and Development (PPGSND) and a collaborating faculty member of the Interdisciplinary Program in Society, Environment, and Quality of Life (PPGSAQ) - Academic Master's, both at UFOPA. She is also a permanent faculty member of the Doctorate in Network EDUCANORTE. She is a research member of the INTER-REGIONAL NETWORK N-NE-CO ON TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION - RIDES and assumed its presidency during the 2012-2015 term. She has publications in books and national and international journals. She has experience in various areas, with emphasis on Higher Education and Psychology, working mainly on the topics of Higher Education, Teacher and Psychologist Training, Educational Technology, Integral Education, Education for Sustainability, Curriculum, School Policy and Management, Educational Planning, School and Educational Psychology, Conflict Resolution and Mediation, as well as a scholar of Paulo Freire's thought.


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