Pedagogies of mental maps: senses and meanings for children

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Dr.ª Liliane Rezende Anastacio
Dr.ª Welessandra Aparecida Benfica


The work describes a practice in which a teacher uses Mind Maps as a way of recording the learning of children in the 6th year of Elementary School in Belo Horizonte municipal network in Mathematics classes. During practice, the teacher encouraged them to create Mind Maps as a way of recording their learning and thoughts. Children were encouraged to use colors, symbols and drawings to represent concepts and ideas. The methodology adopted was qualitative, covering direct observation in the classroom, analysis of students' Mind Maps and oral records through video and audio recordings to understand the learning environment and students' behaviors in Mathematics classes. It was observed that the resource allows for a greater understanding of mathematical content, as well as a greater capacity for synthesis and consolidation of learning. The children reported feeling more secure and confident when using this record, as Mind Maps allowed them to visualize and organize information in a clear and structured way. This practice can contribute to a more creative and meaningful education, where children are encouraged to develop their own skills and potential.


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How to Cite
ANASTACIO, L. R. .; BENFICA, W. A. Pedagogies of mental maps: senses and meanings for children. Olhar de Professor, [S. l.], v. 27, p. 1–16, 2024. DOI: 10.5212/OlharProfr.v.27.22102.005. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.
Experiências Pedagógicas
Author Biographies

Dr.ª Liliane Rezende Anastacio, UEMG Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais

Doctor in Education. Master in Mathematics. She holds degrees in Mathematics and Pedagogy. She is currently a professor at the Department of Exact Sciences at UEMG-Ibirité and coordinator of EaD / UAB / UEMG tutoring.

Dr.ª Welessandra Aparecida Benfica, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG

PhD in Education from the FAE of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Pedagogy Course Collegiate Coordinator. Graduated in Letters-Portuguese from the University of Uberaba. Full professor at UEMG-Unit Ibirité. Teaching representative on the Board of Directors of the UEMG Licentiate Forum. Acts in the institutional coordination of the Pedagogical Residency Program. Master in Education from PUC/MG in the concentration area: Sociology and History of the teaching profession and school education. Graduated in Pedagogy from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of Diamantina (1999). Specialist in Educational Psychology from PUC/MG. Specialist in Distance Education by UNIUBE. He has experience in Basic Education and Higher Education, coordinating social and cultural projects, tutoring courses (EAD), teaching and managing postgraduate courses. She is currently a professor of Literacy and Literacy in the Pedagogy Course at UEMG and advisor for final course work on the subject. She participates as a member of the Brazilian Literacy Association (ABALF). Professor of the optional subject: Social Representations, Literacy and Literacy. Proofreader for Editora UEMG. Participates in the Literacy Network Research, as a member of the Nucleus of Studies and Research in Education and Language (NEPEL) group and of the Group of Studies in Social Representations (GERES) group. Topics of interest: reading, writing, social representations, literacy and letters, teacher training and comprehensive education in/from the countryside.


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