Vol. 15 (2021): Palaios 20 years Dossier - Stratigraphic Paleontology

‎This collection aims to promote the debate and dissemination of studies promoted by the group since its formation in 2000. It aims to be a channel for the connection of researchers in the area of Stratigraphic Paleontology and was conceived to build, in many hands, a solid bibliographic reference on these studies.‎


Elvio Pinto Bosetti (UEPG)

Renato Pirani Ghilardi (UNESP - Bauru)

‎Sandro Marcelo Scheffler (National Museum - UFRJ)‎

Antonio Liccardo (UEPG)

Published: 2021-12-24

Dossiê Temático Palaios 20 anos – Paleontologia Estratigráfica