Digital art and culture in early childhood education: the galaxy in the palm of the hand
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The project investigates practices aimed at the insertion of Digital Culture in the field of Art in Early Childhood Education, because according to the Common National Curricular Base - BNCC (BRAZIL, 2017), Digital Culture stands out from the digital technologies of communication and information. It analyzes the guiding documents on Art teaching in Early Childhood Education from documentary research, based on the studies of Le Goff (1996), Pretto and Pinto (2006) and Pinto, Silva and Anjos (2017), seeking subsidies to discuss new technologies. It carries out a case study in two schools, one in Vitória-ES and the other one in Vila Velha-ES, interviewing teachers, reflecting on practices aimed at new technologies and analyzing their implications in the process of teaching-learning Art, culminating in a pedagogical action entitled “The Galaxy in the palm of the hand” that involved Art and Technology. It concludes by reflecting on how these practices contribute to stimulate children's learning, as well as relate them to the official documents that guide Early Childhood Education.
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