This article is the result of a professional master's thesis in Education and New Technologies. It presents the analysis of data from semi-structured interviews, carried out with directors, pedagogues and teachers working in the state education network in the city of Curitiba. The objective of the research was to investigate the appropriation and use of the Online Class Record (RCO), a computerized school record tool in order to identify and analyze the relationship established between the subjects of the school and the digital technology in question. The authors who supported the research were Vieira Pinto (2005); Feenberg (2013); Paro (2016); Freire (2000); Brandão; Dagnino; Novaes, (2004); Ferreira (2001). When analyzing the subjects' speeches, 5 categories emerged from the research data: Conception of technology; Preparation for appropriation and use of the Online Class Registration; Technological apparatus; Functionalities of the digital tool (RCO); Democracy or control of teaching work. In the research, evidence was found that indicate that the RCO can be at the same time a democratic or controlling management tool depending on the purpose and intention of those who use it.

Main Article Content

Ketlyn Marciele Ferreira Sabadine
Dr. Ademir Aparecido Pinhelli Mendes
Paulo Sérgio dos Santos Brito


This article is the result of a professional master's thesis in Education and New Technologies. It presents the analysis of data from semi-structured interviews, carried out with directors, pedagogues and teachers working in the state education network in the city of Curitiba. The objective of the research was to investigate the appropriation and use of the Online Class Record (RCO), a computerized school record tool in order to identify and analyze the relationship established between the subjects of the school and the digital technology in question. The authors who supported the research were Vieira Pinto (2005); Feenberg (2013); Paro (2016); Freire (2000); Brandão; Dagnino; Novaes, (2004); Ferreira (2001). When analyzing the subjects' speeches, 5 categories emerged from the research data: Conception of technology; Preparation for appropriation and use of the Online Class Registration; Technological apparatus; Functionalities of the digital tool (RCO); Democracy or control of teaching work. In the research, evidence was found that indicate that the RCO can be at the same time a democratic or controlling management tool depending on the purpose and intention of those who use it.


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How to Cite
SABADINE, K. M. F. .; MENDES, A. A. P. .; BRITO, P. S. dos S. . This article is the result of a professional master’s thesis in Education and New Technologies. It presents the analysis of data from semi-structured interviews, carried out with directors, pedagogues and teachers working in the state education network in the city of Curitiba. The objective of the research was to investigate the appropriation and use of the Online Class Record (RCO), a computerized school record tool in order to identify and analyze the relationship established between the subjects of the school and the digital technology in question. The authors who supported the research were Vieira Pinto (2005); Feenberg (2013); Paro (2016); Freire (2000); Brandão; Dagnino; Novaes, (2004); Ferreira (2001). When analyzing the subjects’ speeches, 5 categories emerged from the research data: Conception of technology; Preparation for appropriation and use of the Online Class Registration; Technological apparatus; Functionalities of the digital tool (RCO); Democracy or control of teaching work. In the research, evidence was found that indicate that the RCO can be at the same time a democratic or controlling management tool depending on the purpose and intention of those who use it. Olhar de Professor, [S. l.], v. 25, p. 1–24, 2022. DOI: 10.5212/OlharProfr.v.25.18222.030. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.
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Author Biographies

Ketlyn Marciele Ferreira Sabadine, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Curitiba - SME

 Possui graduação em Pedagogia pela Faculdades Integradas Santa cruz de Curitiba. Possui Especialização em Formação Docente para EaD - UNINTER (2019). Especialista em Psicopedagogia - UNISANTACRUZ. Mestrado em Educação e Novas Tecnologias pelo Centro Universitário Internacional - UNINTER. Com experiência na Educação Básica como coordenadora pedagógica e professora das series iniciais do Ensino Fundamental e no Ensino Superior, na orientação do Ensino a Distância e na elaboração de Material Didático.

Dr. Ademir Aparecido Pinhelli Mendes, Centro Universitário Internacional UNINTER

Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Paraná; mestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Paraná; graduado em Filosofia pelo Instituto Vicentino de Filosofia; graduado em licenciatura em Filosofia pela Universidade de Passo Fundo; graduado em licenciatura em Pedagogia pelo Centro Universitário Internacional. Atualmente é professor titular do Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado Profissional em Educação e Novas Tecnologias do Centro Universitário Internacional e do Quadro Próprio do Magistério - Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Educação, Tecnologia e Sociedade. É pesquisador da FAMPECT - Fundação Wilson Picler de Amparo à Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia.

Paulo Sérgio dos Santos Brito, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Curitiba - SME

Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Tecnologia pelos Institutos Lactec; pós-Graduado em Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho pelo IEP/UFPR; graduado em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC). Atualmente é orientador pedagógico do Centro Universitário Internacional UNINTER nos cursos EAD, professor contratado da Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná na disciplina de matemática e responsável técnico como engenheiro eletricista da empresa Átomo Sistemas Elétricos. Participa do grupo de pesquisa FORMAÇÃO INTEGRAL, MEDIAÇÃO E TECNOLOGIA NO COTIDIANO ESCOLAR.


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