The use of Mediated Learning Experience for developing context and observation skills in scientific education

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Renan Santos Miranda
Dr. Álvaro Lorencini Júnior


This article aimed to analyze the use of Mediated Learning Experience, according to Feuerstein (1990), for the development of two fundamental competencies in scientific education: context and observation, in two classes of the sixth grade in a public state school in Londrina-PR in 2023. The qualitative paradigm was employed in the investigative process. It is important to highlight that this work is a segment of a set of pedagogical sequences designed for the development of the first author's thesis. Thus, the didactic sequence was implemented with 47 students, and their productions were subsequently systematized and analyzed following Yin's (2016) guidelines. The results obtained for the students' basic competencies were as follows: context 91.48% and observation 80.84%. These results indicate that Mediated Learning Experience was significant for the development of these fundamental cognitive abilities within the theoretical and empirical limits of this study.


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How to Cite
MIRANDA, R. S.; LORENCINI JÚNIOR, Álvaro . The use of Mediated Learning Experience for developing context and observation skills in scientific education. Olhar de Professor, [S. l.], v. 27, p. 1–24, 2024. DOI: 10.5212/OlharProfr.v.27.22136.019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.
Conference Proceedings Volume
Artigos em fluxo contínuo
Author Biographies

Renan Santos Miranda, State University of Maringá - UEM

I am an education enthusiast and currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Science Education at the State University of Maringá (UEM). I hold a Master's degree in Science Teaching from the State University of Londrina (UEL) and I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences, both from UEL as well.

In addition to my academic studies, I have a strong experience as a temporary teacher at the State Department of Paraná (SEED). During this period, I have developed skills in active teaching and learning methodologies, aiming to provide students with a more active and engaged participation in the educational process.

My passion lies in facilitating the learning experience of basic education students, aiming to spark their interest in science and provide them with tools to comprehend the world around them. I believe in the importance of a dynamic and interactive approach, utilizing innovative strategies that encourage active participation and knowledge construction.

I am committed to contributing to the advancement of education and promoting the holistic development of students, preparing them for the challenges of the future. My academic journey and practical experience qualify me to act as a dedicated and passionate educator in the field of science teaching.

Dr. Álvaro Lorencini Júnior, State University of Londrina

Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Biological Sciences from the Faculty of Education and Institute of Biosciences at the University of São Paulo (USP - São Paulo). Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Education, specializing in Didactics, from the Faculty of Education at USP (FEUSP). Professor in the Department of General Biology at the Center for Biological Sciences of the State University of Londrina (UEL/PR), teaching the subject: Didactics of Natural Sciences. Professor and Supervisor in the Graduate Program: Master's and Ph.D. in Science Education and Mathematics Education at UEL, and in the Graduate Program: Master's and Ph.D. in Science and Mathematics Education at the State University of Maringá (UEM/PR). Coordinator of GETEPEC (registered and certified by CNPq) - Study and Research Group: Trends and Perspectives in Science Teaching - which aims to investigate theoretical and methodological frameworks that meet the objectives and research questions from the perspective of reflective, investigative, and critical practice in the initial and continuing education of science teachers; research interactive process trends and their implications for meaning-making in the classroom; investigate teaching processes for learning scientific concepts and educational trends for values construction in the context of environmental education and sexuality education. Research and Extension Projects in the areas of Initial and Continuing Education of Science Teachers, Teaching and Learning of Sciences, Interactive Processes in the Classroom, Environmental Education, and Sexuality Education


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