Literacy in the curricula of face-to-face Pedagogy courses at Public Higher Education Institutions in the State of Paraná: the prominent epistemological conception
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The article presents scientific initiation research that aimed to investigate the conception of literacy in the curricula of Pedagogy courses in Paraná, Brazil, particularly the prominent epistemological conception. It is problematized: What is the dominant epistemological basis in the Pedagogy curricula concerning the subjects that deal with literacy? To this end, exploratory qualitative research was employed, using bibliographic research and documentary research as methodological procedures. Bibliographic research is anchored in authors who discuss literacy and curriculum, such as Smolka (2003), Ferreiro (1999), Ferreiro and Palacio (1990), and Soares (2010). The documentary research, in turn, was based on the curricula of the face-to-face Pedagogy courses at public Higher Education Institutions in the state of Paraná. The research mapped the conception of literacy most prevalent in the respective courses and its implications for initial teacher education, indicating that constructivism, in this case the Piagetian cognitive theory, is prominent.
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