Teaching relationships for literacy: dialogues between sowing, pruning and (re)flowering

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Dr.ª Bárbara Cortella Pereira
Dr. Danilo Garcia da Silva
Débora Fernandes Fontes


The article proposes to reflect on some important concepts in the field of Literacy considered from its constitution over 40 years from a discursive-dialogical perspective. Starting from a metaphorical bias, the authors seek to construct such reflection focusing on teaching relationships, the constitution of authorship and the relationship between teachers and children in the constitution of texts with meanings and meanings, elaborated from the awakening of authorial consciousness as a way in which These subjects can carry out authentic readings of the world using the language that constitutes their writing and inscription in the world, based on relationships with Others through the lens of Historical-Cultural Psychology. The results indicate that through teaching relationships, possibilities arise for the mobilization of desires and the ability of children to relate and position themselves in the world and with/about their own productions.


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How to Cite
PEREIRA, B. C.; SILVA, D. G. da .; FONTES, D. F. Teaching relationships for literacy: dialogues between sowing, pruning and (re)flowering. Olhar de Professor, [S. l.], v. 27, p. 1–19, 2024. DOI: 10.5212/OlharProfr.v.27.24187.060. Disponível em: https://revistas.uepg.br/index.php/olhardeprofessor/article/view/24187. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.
Conference Proceedings Volume
Dossiê: Práticas de linguagem na infância: ensinar e aprender na perspectiva discursiva e enunciativa
Author Biographies

Dr.ª Bárbara Cortella Pereira, Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT

PhD in Education (CAPES Scholarship - April 2009 to February 2013) from the São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP), Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences (FFC), Marília/SP, Brazil. From March 2011 to February 2012, she completed a sandwich doctoral internship (PDEE/CAPESP) at the École de Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Paris/France, under the co-supervision of Professor Jean Hébrard, at the Center for Research on Colonial and Contemporary Brazil (CRBC). Master's degree in Education (CNPq and FAPESP Scholarships) from FFC-Unesp-Marília (2009); graduated in Pedagogy and Scientific Initiation scholarship holder (CNPq/PIBIC/Unesp) from FFC-Unesp-Marília (2006). Currently, she is the State Coordinator of the Project "Reading and Writing in Early Childhood Education", in Mato Grosso (LEEI-MT); Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGE / UFMT-Cuiabá) in the research line "School Cultures and Languages"; and Adjunct Professor AII of the Department of Teaching and School Organization of the Institute of Education of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (DEOE / IE / UFMT- Cuiabá). Leader of the Study and Research Group "Oral Language, Reading and Writing in Childhood" (GEPLOLEI), since 2017 and was Coordinator of GT 10 "Literacy, Reading and Writing" of ANPED Centro-Oeste (2018-2022 biennia). From Nov. 2022 to Apr. 2024, she served as Coordinator of the Institutional Program of Scholarships for Teaching Initiation (Pibid / Pedagogy / UFMT). From 2013 to October 2015, she was Interim Professor of the subject "Research Methods and Techniques" linked to the Department of Letters of the State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT, Tangará da Serra campus). In 2014, she was a Training Professor in Literacy in Portuguese Language of the National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age of Mato Grosso (PNAIC/MEC/UFMT). Since 2006, she has been a member of the Gphellb - Research Group on the History of Language and Literature Teaching in Brazil and the teams implementing the Integrated Research Projects on the History of Language and Literature Teaching in Brazil, coordinated by Maria do Rosário Longo Mortatti. She is the author of a book (Editora UNESP), book chapters, journal articles, reviews and texts in event proceedings.

Dr. Danilo Garcia da Silva, Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT

PhD in Education, research line School Organization, Training and Pedagogical Practices, from the Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT. Linked to the research group Laboratory of Studies on Information and Communication Technologies - LêTECE -, of the Institute of Education of UFMT. He is currently a professor in the Department of Letters of the Institute of Languages ​​of UFMT. He works as a French teacher in the undergraduate courses in Letters/French and in Extension Courses of the Institute of Languages ​​of the aforementioned university. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Education of UFMT (PPGE-IE/UFMT). He has also developed work with Virtual Learning Environments, Training of Technical-Pedagogical Teams in Virtual Learning Environments and in the context of Digital Information and Communication Technologies. He works with Teacher Training in the context of ICT in Education, Educational Technologies, Digital Culture and Distance/Online Education.

Débora Fernandes Fontes, Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT

She holds a degree in Portuguese/English Literature and Related Literatures from the State University of Goiás. She worked as a scholarship holder of the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarship (PIBID) in the subproject on Literacy, funded by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), at the State University of Goiás. She participated as a Study Advisor and Local Coordinator of the Continuing Education Course of the National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age (PNAIC). She has a degree in Pedagogy from the Albert Einstein Higher Education Institute. She is a specialist in Literacy and Literacy from the Institute of Education of Ibituruna/MG. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Law from the Cândido Rondon College. She worked as a Full-Time Teacher at the Municipal Department of Education (SME). She is currently linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education - PPGE/Master's, in the Research Line: School Cultures and Languages, at the Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT. In addition, she is a Professor at the State Secretariat of Education of the State of Mato Grosso / SEDUC.


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