Cultivating the child's drawing: freedom, enchantment and transgression

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Jocicleia Souza Printes
Michelle de Freitas Bissoli


This text is the result of a doctoral research in the field of teacher education that aimed to understand how a process of continuing education with kindergarten’s teachers, from the perspective of Historical-Cultural theory, can contribute to their work to expand the possibilities of childish expression, especially by drawing. We observed how the relationships got together and how the drawing spend time and space in planning. Through research with formation, we proposed a group’s studies to discuss the need for art, aesthetic formation, imagination and creation. The experiences proposed by the teachers started to think the drawing as a combination of the body in motion, surfaces and markers. Drawing gained centrality in planning and gave new meaning to doing, before it was only concerned with the result. Process and product started to dialogue and the result was experiences of enjoyment and freedom, valuing drawing as an expression.


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How to Cite
PRINTES, J. S. .; BISSOLI, M. de F. Cultivating the child’s drawing: freedom, enchantment and transgression. Olhar de Professor, [S. l.], v. 24, p. 1–24, 2021. DOI: 10.5212/OlharProfr.v.24.17664.071. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.
Contemporary artistic practices, children and teaching: aesthetic experiences
Author Biographies

Jocicleia Souza Printes, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas

Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Amazonas (2006), Master in Education from the Federal University of Amazonas (2010) and Doctorate in Education from the Federal University of Amazonas (2018). Professor at the State University of Amazonas - UEA, at the Center for Higher Studies of Tabatinga - CESTB, in the areas of Early Childhood Education, Childhood and Teaching. He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on teacher training and early childhood education. Research interests: Early Childhood Education, Historical-Cultural Theory, Visual Arts, Children's Drawing, Children's Literature. Member of the Study and Research Group Historical-Cultural Theory, Childhood and Pedagogy - UFAM and of the Laboratory of Education, Psychology and Social Theory - LEPTS / UEA / CESTB. Student of the Visual Arts course - UFAM.

Michelle de Freitas Bissoli, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Graduated in Pedagogy (1996), Master (2001) and Doctorate (2005) in Education from the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences - UNESP / Marília and Post-Doctorate (2010) from USP. He is currently Associate Professor IV at the Federal University of Amazonas, where he works at the Center for Studies and Research in Education and Childhood and at the Graduate Program in Education. Worked in Basic Education (Early Childhood Education and Primary Years). He was a member of the Editorial Board of Revista Amazônida (2007-2009); Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Early Childhood Education (2008); member of the Expanded Coordination of PPGE / UFAM (2012) and member of the Structuring Teaching Nucleus of FACED / UFAM (2015-2018). He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on teaching and learning, acting mainly on the following topics: reader training, children's literature, Historical-Cultural Theory, teacher training and Early Childhood Education. ORCID ID


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