National Curricular Common Base in Early Childhood Education: repercussions on pedagogical practices in a school on the North Coast/RS
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This article aims to discuss teacher’s perceptions about the National Curricular Common Base (BNCC) for Early Childhood Education, understanding the implications of the document for teaching practices. The analytical corpus comprises data from a case study carried out in a public school on the North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul. The work is theoretically based on authors of Early Childhood Education and Curriculum, and in policies and documents that regulate the first stage of Brazilian education. The data analysis is organized in two axes. The first is about teacher’s understandings in relation to BNCC and the curriculum. The second discusses the implications of BNCC in pedagogical practices, indicating the fields of experience as a possibility of valuing everyday life in Early Childhood Education. The results show that a contextual and reflective appropriation of the BNCC can contribute to rethinking the teaching action with the children.
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