Some provocations about learning (and beyond) for a teaching experience in art
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This article deals with a teaching experience arising from a completed Master's in Visual Arts research, in which poetics in teaching was discussed as a theoretical proposal for the school classroom based on the practice of the subject named as “artist-teacher”. Here, it is intended to make some provocations about the language of education, specifically with regard to questions about learning, articulating the poetics in teaching to them and presenting the teaching experience applied in the school classroom, with fifth-year students of a high school Christian confessional, through an educational practice whose theme was Modern Art, restricted to Abstract Art. As a theoretical-methodological basis, the voices of authors such as Biesta (2013), Larrosa (2015), Barros (1994), Arendt (2010; 2016), Kohan (2013), Osinski (2001), Duarte Jr. (2000) will be used. Finally, it was recognized that abstract art has distinct characteristics and that there is in it the thought of art proposed by the “artist-teacher”, subject unveiled in the master's research.
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