The Pedagogy of Work Projects and Vygotsky's Historical-Cultural Perspective: an intervention proposal
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The transition from the 20th century to the 21st century is characterized, in general terms, by the questioning of the bases of modernity, namely objectivity, rationality, specialization of knowledge, neutrality of Science, among others. In this context, the school lost the status of the only source of knowledge, which became to be understood as relative, provisional and non-linear. Understanding that the school cannot ignore this transition, this work proposes a pedagogical intervention with a group of teachers in initial training, in the context of Remote Education during the COVID-19 pandemic, whose objective was to present pedagogical games, based on Pedagogy of Work Projects and in Vygotski's Historical-Cultural perspective, as a possibility to debate Socio-Scientific Issues in Science Teaching. The results indicate the potential of Work Projects in curricular organization, enhancing a critical and reflective training, focused at transformation and social participation.
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